Unprecedented Shifts and Changes and Our Choices

I’m going to start this with a big WOW! Never in my wildest dreams or nightmares could I imagine what the world is going through.

These truly are Unprecedented Times. There have been some days that I didn’t get dressed, cuddled in a blanket, prayed, vegged out on TV and probably eaten more dark chocolate than normal. I have used my tools on myself; energy sessions, flower essences, essential oils, supplements, mostly healthy foods and more. I have reached out to mentors, connected with friends and family…Thank heaven for the internet!  Then I have had moments of tears, resolve and much pondering on how I may serve and help you.

Many of you may be Crisis Homeschooling

What a sudden challenge!

Here in Washington state, like most others,

the schools will not be restarting until fall.

As a homeschooling veteran of 25 years with 7 children,

then Grandma School & Cousin Camp.

I have a whole slew of resources and ideas to help you in this situation.

Thus I am sponsoring a Crisis Homeschooling Parent Q & A

on April 9th at 4 pm pacific time.

Let’s brainstorm your challenges and try to shift 

into a positive experience for everyone in the family.

This is will be available through Joyful Empowerment with Kristine Farley Facebook Page

Live & with a replay. https://www.facebook.com/Joyful-Empowerment-with-Kristine-Farley-122892177729900/


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